Meditate With Allison

Meditation is a technique used to train your attention to remove itself from the mind, thereby creating a space where it can be recognized as pure consciousness. A meditation practice develops a reconnection with the depths of your soul where you will find peace and love, satisfaction and meaning. 

Meditation: Single Drop In

Meditation is a technique that takes training and practise. Even a seasoned meditator can fall off track or get out of the habit. Just a single session can be beneficial to skilled meditators looking to get their personal practice back on track as well as a new meditators looking to try it out!

Click here for a single session

Meditation: Monthly Subscription

Participate in LIVE Meditations, on Zoom up to 8 times a month with Allison, as well as free admission to all group meditations being held in person. Allison will be available for you to discuss anything you may be feeling and/or any questions you may have along the way!

Meditating on a consistent basis teaches both your body and your mind to develop new habits. Meditating with a guide and group becomes much easier than trying to master it on your own. When we meditate together we accelerate the benefits of our practice by allowing the collective energy to assist each of us! Lifting each other up is a beautiful thing!

Click here to subscribe!

The Course: Mind Matters Meditation Series

Do you want to be a Meditator? Wether you are a seasoned Meditator looking to broaden your practice or you’re someone who’s eager to begin your meditation journey   This course is for you!

You will receive 5 audio files to be listened to in sequence, at your own pace in the comfort of your own space. Beginning with an introduction, you will learn about: Breath, Body, Being, and Bliss. As you study these lessons you will naturally begin to understand the simple and profound Art of Meditation and how it can unburden you from the constricts of your own mind.

Purchase The Course